Because each customer is special to us. We make sure that you'll the simplest and smartest service to book your flight. We definitely will get the best deals for you.
- How can I book a flight?
It's simple. We actually will do all the hard work for you. All you need to do is email us at ( and give us what do we need to know about your trip. Then we will do our magic work to provide you with the best deal.
- What do I do if my flight is rescheduled?
Occasionally, airlines can make changes to their flight schedules. We will notify you by email. However, sometimes we do not receive advance notice, so we always encourage you to check your flight status 24 hours before departure.
- How do I cancel my flight?
If you're not happy with the flight or you had to cancel due to your work schedule, We will speak with the airlines to cancel the flight and claim a refund on your existing ticket.
Will I receive a receipt or invoice for payment?
Sure. We will send a copy of your invoice to your email.